My work as a visual artist relates to tradition.
I immerse myself in the traditional heritage of people and communities,
that moves vividly along the timeline of past, present and future
and changes from generation to generation.
My artistic practice is interdisciplinary in nature.
The use of media, materials and techniques is broad and in service of idea and content.
I join community-based practices and collaborate with other artists and craft practitioners.
During my education at art academy, I made a series of works about the tradition of Sinterklaas (Saint Nicholas) in collaboration with my now 84-year-old mother. They are portraits that show from different angles how my mother, from her own family tradition and in deep religious belief, gives substance to this, and has passed on traditional customs to me. The left photo at the top of this web page is part of the photo series 'Metamorphosis' from 2019. The image on the right shows part of the installation 'Saint Man Mom' from 2021.
At the moment I am doing preliminary research for an artwork entitled 'Adventus'.
The work, a group of sculptures, aims to reveal the meaning of Advent by expressing the various themes and motifs involved in this transitional season leading up to Christmas.
The project will take yearstake.
In order to place my art activities in a broader context, I join a network of relevant organizations, including Sharing Arts Society, the Dutch Centre for Intangible Cultural Heritage and UNESCO.
For more information about my portfolio and contact|for more information about my portfolio and contact:
'Habemus Mamam' (2022)
'Saint Man Mom' (2021)
'The gesture' (2021)
'He's coming, he's coming' (2020)
'Metamorphosis' (2019)
Volunteer work
Sint Maarten Parade, Sharing Arts Society/SAS, Utrecht (2022)
Bachelor of Fine Arts. Royal Academy of Art, The Hague (2018-2022)
Symbolism. Pictorial meaning in art, Vrije Academie Amsterdam (2023)
Traditional icon painting, Iconstudio Verdonk, Amsterdam (2023)
Building trust - conducting research among and with Christian migrants, Radboud University Nijmegen (2022)
Oral history and heritage, Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands (2022)
Living Heritage and Sustainable Development, UNESCO (2022)